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Višnja Sretenović (she/her) is a film and performance artist and an actress. She studied acting at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Shortly afterwards she moved to Hamburg, received the MA of Arts degree in Performance Studies and focused on her own artistic work in the fields film and performance art. Višnja creates cinematic, theatrical and literal pieces placed between fiction and non-fiction and hence develops genre blurred pieces. She explores (im)possibility of storytelling, reflecting on personal mythologies, femininity and mental health, inspired by untold stories and memories. Her approach is characteristic for its fragmentary composition: spoken and written word, moving and steady image, inter/acting both together and solely, strive to create collage-like evocative, intimate and reflective experience. Višnja’s works were presented in Newcastle GB at BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art - project space BALTIC 39, exhibition FIGURE FOUR, in Hamburg at Kampnagel, Stubnitz, Gängeviertel, Lichthof, Galerie 21, Gewächshaus Wartenau 16 and festivals Hauptsache Frei and FEMLAB, in Belgrade at Cultural Centre of Belgrade. As an actress she performed at various theatre-, film- and television productions in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Serbia, such as Volkstheater Vienna, Theatre Republique Copenhagen, Boško Buha Theatre Belgrad, Filmfest Munich, Lichthof Theatre Hamburg. She is an alumna of the art scholarships stART.up (Claussen-Simon-Stiftung), DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service) and Dositeja (Young Talents Fund, Republic of Serbia).


Višnja lives with her space companion between Germany and Serbia and appreciates cheep, poorly executed copies of famous art styles and fashion brands.

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